Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How to spell failure - USNA

I am quite proud of my children. My second son just completed his sophomore year at the United States Naval Academy. I remember the first time we took him there for a visit. He knew on that day, many years before he ever graduated from high school, that the Academy was where he wanted to be.

Several years later all that has changed. The Naval Academy has let him down. The honor, heritage, tradition, and prestige that once attracted him to the place has turned out to be nothing more than a bonafide example of cosmetic smoke and mirrors. On its surface the Naval Academy looks quite remarkable as an institution. At its core however, it has become a second-rate academic and military institution that does little to prepare its students for the realities of the military they will serve or the potential life-altering missions that await them. One of the Academy's own veteran employees acknowledges this change of direction:

Its pretty sad that during a time when our Nation is embroiled in warfare on many fronts, our leaders (civilian and military) have allowed the Naval Academy to degrade to a level that places political correctness, diversity quotas, and careerism above the fundamental mandate to prepare leaders to defend the United States of America. The legacy of everyone who has directly or indirectly contributed to this failure can only be characterized as an abdication of responsibility consistent with criminal negligence. A failure to prepare these young men and women to be warrior leaders will have ripple effects that manifest in the form of risk-averse decision making, career before mission, double standards, combat ineffectiveness, and ultimately the collective weakening of the United States. If I was Haji or Charlie I would be laughing at us!

It would be interesting to see what would happen if a couple of boats filled with bad-guys approached the Academy grounds from the Severn River and decided to mount an attack. What would the brigade and its leadership do? I'm sure the Academy grounds would be well defended once the two mids who recently got caught blowing each other for money realized what was going on and postponed their fellatio session. Oh, and also when the blunt-smoking-quota-mid doubling as an athlete puts down his herb and clears the THC from his head, I'm sure he will quickly get in the fight. And lest we forget; I expect that the Firsty who likes to wave loaded guns around while drunk and not knowing the condition of his weapon better pound a few more shots, find a fresh mag, and get to killin' the enemy!! Undoubtedly, the prior enlisted Marines and Sailors would lead the defense while the rest of the limp-hearted mids and their band of merry faculty soiled themselves and screamed out, "I can't believe this is happening!"

But.....if none of that becomes reality I am quite confident in what my son will do......because he got better training, education, and preparation at home!!

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