Sunday, January 11, 2009


I couldn't sleep this morning so I was up very early. I happened upon a great story on TV about our current struggles against Osama Bin Laden and his cohorts who are hell-bent on our destruction. After that show I watched the tail-end of a program on how Parris Island makes Marines. They interviewed many of the recruits undergoing training and asked what drove them to serve.

One particular recruit put it all in perspective. He said, "you don't get invited to someone's house for dinner and not offer to help out with the dishes". This Marine gets it. He understands that when you benefit from the goodness of others, there exists an inherent obligation to pitch in and offer to help.

How long have we been feasting at the table of freedom offered by the sacrifices of some of our countrymen? Why is it that only few Americans feel compelled to lend a hand cleaning up our problems? I have no expectation that everyone hop the next plane to Parris Island, but I do think that more of us could and should actively seek out ways to help fight our way through this madness.

If nothing else, more should be done to educate ourselves as to what exactly we are up against. Our children should be introduced to the concept of patriotism. They need to understand the realities of the country in which they live and that real people have died preserving their way of life. Reach out to someone who has been in the fight, lost a loved one, or endured a long separation from their family. Don't assume you understand until you have made a real effort to. Ignore your preconceived notions of why we are at war and who's to blame. Focus on the reality that we are and it won't end anytime soon.

We are a nation of 300 million Americans. Our sink is full; certainly more of us could help wash the dishes.


deb@virginia blue said...

you can tell we come from the same blood...
we all sat glued to the TV for about 3 hours the other night watching a marathon of BUDS..about the Navy Seals training on the Military Channel..

you're absolutely correct. it's a crying shame that too many Americans spend too much time bitching and moaning about things, and not enough time considering what they could do to "pitch in". which raises my respect for those who DO, to even greater heights.

great post!

Unknown said...

well said Padre!