Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Real Santa

Where did this whole notion of Santa Claus come from? I remember as a young boy getting so excited about Christmas that I would try to stay up as long as I could to get a glimpse of the big guy. I would hide in my closet and listen intently for any sound of the sleigh touching down on the roof or the bells around the necks of his reindeer. Back then it was all about the mystery and magic of Santa and the gifts he was sure to bring. I didn’t care much for the whole “naughty-or-nice” list thing; I figured Santa took pity on those of us who may have strayed during the year. I knew I was bad and yet Santa faithfully hooked me up anyway.

I have thought many times since those days about just how Christ-like this Santa Claus fellow really is. I guess maybe that is by design since he represents all that is good and right about Christmas. Even a non-Christian can get on board the Santa train because of this goodness. Youngsters are blinded by the “things” part of the equation. As we get older however, we understand that it is the selfless “giving” part that is at the heart of it all.

The story of the birth of Christ has always made sense to me. I am no religious scholar nor do I practice my own faith. But, in spite of my failings I can fully get my head and heart around the reality that Jesus was born of humble circumstances. He was brought into the world at a time and a place without fireworks and fanfare. His parents were modest, imperfect human beings chosen to take part in this most awesome of undertakings; the gift of the Savior to the world. Our Heavenly Father, knowing our tendencies toward selfish pursuits, allowed His Son to come into this wild wicked world, receive a body, and live as the rest of us…….only better. Not better from the standpoint of status or wealth, but better in the sense that He set the perfect example of how we all can and should live.

Some would argue that the Savior should have come mightily from the heavens for all to witness so they would instantly believe it was in fact Him. I think the beauty of this story is that He came in under the radar; a simple, tiny gift from heaven with more value and worth than anything earth could provide. The reality of this first gift is at the heart of this thing called Christmas.

Jesus spent His life sharing His simple gifts of love, compassion, forgiveness, and service to all who had the pleasure of knowing Him. He embodied the Christmas spirit because He was Christmas. After a short lifetime of goodness unequaled by anyone, he offered Himself as a final gift of sacrifice so that we all can have the opportunity to return to our Father in Heaven. Has there ever been a greater act of love? Rephrased, has there ever been a greater Christmas present?

The story of His humble birth, life of love, and final sacrifice should resonate with all of us as we sit in our closets waiting for Santa to show up this and every year. Just as Santa always came through for me in spite of my perpetual status on the “naughty” list, Jesus comes through for all of us with his pervasive mercy, grace, forgiveness, and love. So as I lie awake tonight anxiously awaiting a sign that the big guy has found me again, it wouldn’t surprise me much if I look by the fireplace and catch a glimpse of Santa looking a lot like Jesus.

1 comment:

deb@virginia blue said...

i love you!